
How Can U Keep My Dog From Eating Animal Poop In Woods

Mammals of the family unit Leporidae


Temporal range: Late Eocene–Holocene, 53–0 Ma












A small brown rabbit sat on the dirt in a forest. Its ears are small and alert and the tip of its nose, part of its chest and one of its feet are white.
European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus)
Scientific classification Edit this classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Lagomorpha
Family unit: Leporidae
Included genera
  • Pentalagus
  • Bunolagus
  • Nesolagus
  • Romerolagus
  • Brachylagus
  • Sylvilagus
  • Oryctolagus
  • Poelagus

Rabbits, also known equally bunnies or bunny rabbits, are small mammals in the family Leporidae (which as well contains the hares) of the order Lagomorpha (which also contains the pikas). Oryctolagus cuniculus includes the European rabbit species and its descendants, the earth's 305 breeds[1] of domestic rabbit. Sylvilagus includes thirteen wild rabbit species, among them the seven types of cottontail. The European rabbit, which has been introduced on every continent except Antarctica, is familiar throughout the world as a wild prey animal and as a domesticated grade of livestock and pet. With its widespread effect on ecologies and cultures, the rabbit is, in many areas of the earth, a part of daily life—as nutrient, vesture, a companion, and a source of artistic inspiration.

Although one time considered rodents, lagomorphs like rabbits have been discovered to have diverged separately and earlier than their rodent cousins and have a number of traits rodents lack, similar two extra incisors.

Terminology and etymology

A male rabbit is chosen a buck; a female person is called a doe. An older term for an developed rabbit used until the 18th century is coney (derived ultimately from the Latin cuniculus ), while rabbit once referred but to the young animals.[2] Another term for a young rabbit is bunny, though this term is often practical informally (particularly by children) to rabbits generally, especially domestic ones. More than recently, the term kit or kitten has been used to refer to a young rabbit.

A grouping of rabbits is known equally a colony or nest (or, occasionally, a warren, though this more commonly refers to where the rabbits live).[3] A grouping of baby rabbits produced from a unmarried mating is referred to equally a litter [4] and a grouping of domestic rabbits living together is sometimes called a herd.[v]

The word rabbit itself derives from the Heart English rabet , a borrowing from the Walloon robète , which was a diminutive of the French or Heart Dutch robbe .[vi]


Rabbits and hares were formerly classified in the order Rodentia (rodent) until 1912, when they were moved into a new guild, Lagomorpha (which also includes pikas). Below are some of the genera and species of the rabbit.

  • Order Lagomorpha
    • Family Leporidae (in part)
  • Genus Brachylagus
    • Pygmy rabbit, Brachylagus idahoensis
  • Genus Bunolagus
    • Bushman rabbit, Bunolagus monticularis
  • Genus Lepus [a]
  • Genus Nesolagus
    • Sumatran striped rabbit, Nesolagus netscheri
    • Annamite striped rabbit, Nesolagus timminsi
  • Genus Oryctolagus
    • European rabbit, Oryctolagus cuniculus
  • Genus Pentalagus
    • Amami rabbit/Ryūkyū rabbit, Pentalagus furnessi
  • Genus Poelagus
    • Central African Rabbit, Poelagus marjorita
  • Genus Romerolagus
    • Volcano rabbit, Romerolagus diazi
  • Genus Sylvilagus
    • Swamp rabbit, Sylvilagus aquaticus
    • Desert cottontail, Sylvilagus audubonii
    • Brush rabbit, Sylvilagus bachmani
    • Forest rabbit, Sylvilagus brasiliensis
    • Mexican cottontail, Sylvilagus cunicularis
    • Dice's cottontail, Sylvilagus dicei
    • Eastern cottontail, Sylvilagus floridanus
    • Tres Marias rabbit, Sylvilagus graysoni
    • Omilteme cottontail, Sylvilagus insonus
    • San Jose castor rabbit, Sylvilagus mansuetus
    • Mountain cottontail, Sylvilagus nuttallii
    • Marsh rabbit, Sylvilagus palustris
    • New England cottontail, Sylvilagus transitionalis


Johann Daniel Meyer (1748)


Johann Daniel Meyer (1748)

Differences from hares

The term "rabbit" is typically used for all Leporidae species excluding the genus Lepus. Members of that genus are instead known equally hares or jackrabbits.

Lepus species are typically precocial, born relatively mature and mobile with pilus and adept vision, while other rabbit species are altricial, built-in hairless and bullheaded, and requiring closer intendance. Hares alive a relatively solitary life in a elementary nest in a higher place the basis, while virtually other rabbits live in social groups in burrows or warrens. Hares are generally larger than other rabbits, with ears that are more elongated, and with hind legs that are larger and longer. Descendants of the European rabbit are ordinarily bred as livestock and kept as pets, whereas no hares take been domesticated - the breed called the Belgian hare is a domestic rabbit which has been selectively bred to resemble a hare.


Rabbits have long been domesticated. Beginning in the Middle Ages, the European rabbit has been widely kept equally livestock, starting in aboriginal Rome. Selective breeding has generated a wide variety of rabbit breeds, of which many (since the early 19th century) are also kept as pets. Some strains of rabbit accept been bred specifically as enquiry subjects.

As livestock, rabbits are bred for their meat and fur. The earliest breeds were important sources of meat, and so became larger than wild rabbits, but domestic rabbits in modern times range in size from dwarf to giant. Rabbit fur, prized for its softness, can be found in a broad range of coat colors and patterns, as well every bit lengths. The Angora rabbit breed, for example, was adult for its long, silky fur, which is oftentimes manus-spun into yarn. Other domestic rabbit breeds take been adult primarily for the commercial fur trade, including the Rex, which has a brusk costly coat.



Evolution of the rabbit heart

(wax models)

Because the rabbit's epiglottis is engaged over the soft palate except when swallowing, the rabbit is an obligate nasal sabbatical. Rabbits have two sets of incisor teeth, one backside the other. This fashion they can be distinguished from rodents, with which they are often confused.[seven] Carl Linnaeus originally grouped rabbits and rodents under the class Glires; later, they were separated every bit the scientific consensus is that many of their similarities were a result of convergent evolution. Recent DNA analysis and the discovery of a common ancestor has supported the view that they share a common lineage, and so rabbits and rodents are now ofttimes grouped together in the superorder Glires.[8]


Since speed and agility are a rabbit's main defenses against predators (including the swift fox), rabbits accept large hind leg bones and well adult musculature. Though plantigrade at rest, rabbits are on their toes while running, assuming a more digitigrade posture. Rabbits use their strong claws for earthworks and (along with their teeth) for defense.[9] Each front pes has four toes plus a dewclaw. Each hind pes has four toes (but no dewclaw).[10]

Melanistic coloring

Oryctologus cuniculusEuropean rabbit (wild)

Near wild rabbits (especially compared to hares) have relatively full, egg-shaped bodies. The soft coat of the wild rabbit is agouti in coloration (or, rarely, melanistic), which aids in camouflage. The tail of the rabbit (with the exception of the cottontail species) is dark on pinnacle and white beneath. Cottontails have white on the pinnacle of their tails.[eleven]

Equally a result of the position of the eyes in its skull, the rabbit has a field of vision that encompasses nearly 360 degrees, with just a pocket-sized bullheaded spot at the bridge of the nose.[12]

Hind limb elements

This image comes from a specimen in the Pacific Lutheran University natural history collection. It displays all of the skeletal articulations of rabbit's hind limbs.

The anatomy of rabbits' hind limbs are structurally similar to that of other land mammals and contribute to their specialized form of locomotion. The bones of the hind limbs consist of long bones (the femur, tibia, fibula, and phalanges) besides equally short bones (the tarsals). These bones are created through endochondral ossification during development. Similar most land mammals, the round head of the femur articulates with the acetabulum of the os coxae. The femur articulates with the tibia, just not the fibula, which is fused to the tibia. The tibia and fibula articulate with the tarsals of the pes, commonly called the human foot. The hind limbs of the rabbit are longer than the front end limbs. This allows them to produce their hopping grade of locomotion. Longer hind limbs are more capable of producing faster speeds. Hares, which have longer legs than cottontail rabbits, are able to movement considerably faster.[xiii] Rabbits stay simply on their toes when moving; this is called Digitigrade locomotion. The hind anxiety take four long toes that allow for this and are webbed to prevent them from spreading when hopping.[fourteen] Rabbits do non have manus pads on their feet like about other animals that use digitigrade locomotion. Instead, they take coarse compressed hair that offers protection.[fifteen]


The rabbits hind limb (lateral view) includes muscles involved in the quadriceps and hamstrings.

Rabbits have muscled hind legs that allow for maximum forcefulness, maneuverability, and dispatch that is divided into three master parts; foot, thigh, and leg. The hind limbs of a rabbit are an exaggerated feature. They are much longer than the forelimbs, providing more force. Rabbits run on their toes to gain the optimal stride during locomotion. The strength put out by the hind limbs is contributed to both the structural anatomy of the fusion tibia and fibula, and muscular features.[sixteen] Bone formation and removal, from a cellular standpoint, is directly correlated to hind limb muscles. Activeness pressure from muscles creates force that is then distributed through the skeletal structures. Rabbits that generate less force, putting less stress on bones are more decumbent to osteoporosis due to bone rarefaction.[17] In rabbits, the more than fibers in a musculus, the more resistant to fatigue. For example, hares have a greater resistance to fatigue than cottontails. The muscles of rabbit'south hind limbs can be classified into four master categories: hamstrings, quadriceps, dorsiflexors, or plantar flexors. The quadriceps muscles are in charge of force production when jumping. Complementing these muscles are the hamstrings, which aid in short bursts of action. These muscles play off of one another in the same way every bit the plantar flexors and dorsiflexors, contributing to the generation and deportment associated with force.[18]


A Holland Lop resting with one ear upward and one ear down. Some rabbits can accommodate their ears to hear distant sounds.

Within the social club lagomorphs, the ears are utilized to detect and avoid predators. In the family Leporidae, the ears are typically longer than they are wide. For case, in blackness tailed jack rabbits, their long ears cover a greater surface area relative to their trunk size that allow them to detect predators from far away. Contrasted to cotton tailed rabbits, their ears are smaller and shorter, requiring predators to exist closer to detect them earlier they tin abscond. Evolution has favored rabbits having shorter ears so the larger surface area does not cause them to lose rut in more temperate regions. The opposite can be seen in rabbits that live in hotter climates, mainly because they possess longer ears that take a larger surface area that help with dispersion of heat besides as the theory that audio does not travel well in more arid air, opposed to libation air. Therefore, longer ears are meant to aid the organism in detecting predators sooner rather than later in warmer temperatures.[19] [ page needed ] The rabbit is characterized past its shorter ears while hares are characterized past their longer ears.[20] [ page needed ] Rabbits' ears are an important construction to aid thermoregulation and discover predators due to how the outer, middle, and inner ear muscles coordinate with 1 another. The ear muscles as well aid in maintaining residuum and motility when fleeing predators.[21]

Outer ear

The auricle, also known as the pinna, is a rabbit'south outer ear.[22] The rabbit's pinnae represent a off-white part of the body surface area. It is theorized that the ears aid in dispersion of heat at temperatures in a higher place 30 °C with rabbits in warmer climates having longer pinnae due to this. Some other theory is that the ears function as daze absorbers that could aid and stabilize rabbit's vision when fleeing predators, but this has typically only been seen in hares.[23] [ page needed ] The rest of the outer ear has aptitude canals that lead to the eardrum or tympanic membrane.[24]

Heart ear

The middle ear is filled with three basic chosen ossicles and is separated by the outer eardrum in the back of the rabbit's skull. The three ossicles are called hammer, anvil, and stirrup and human activity to decrease sound before information technology hits the inner ear. In general, the ossicles act as a barrier to the inner ear for sound energy.[24]

Inner ear

Inner ear fluid called endolymph receives the sound energy. Afterward receiving the energy, later on within the inner ear at that place are two parts: the cochlea that utilizes sound waves from the ossicles and the vestibular appliance that manages the rabbit's position in regards to movement. Within the cochlea there is a basilar membrane that contains sensory hair structures utilized to send nervus signals to the brain and then it tin can recognize different sound frequencies. Within the vestibular apparatus the rabbit possesses three semicircular canals to help detect athwart motion.[24]


Thermoregulation is the process that an organism utilizes to maintain an optimal trunk temperature contained of external conditions.[25] This process is carried out by the pinnae, which takes up nearly of the rabbit's trunk surface and contain a vascular network and arteriovenous shunts.[26] In a rabbit, the optimal body temperature is effectually 38.5–40℃.[27] If their body temperature exceeds or does not encounter this optimal temperature, the rabbit must render to homeostasis. Homeostasis of trunk temperature is maintained past the utilize of their large, highly vascularized ears that are able to change the amount of blood flow that passes through the ears.

Rabbits use their large vascularized ears, which assistance in thermoregulation, to keep their body temperature at an optimal level.

Constriction and dilation of claret vessels in the ears are used to control the cadre body temperature of a rabbit. If the core temperature exceeds its optimal temperature greatly, blood catamenia is constricted to limit the amount of blood going through the vessels. With this constriction, at that place is but a limited amount of blood that is passing through the ears where ambience heat would exist able to estrus the blood that is flowing through the ears and therefore, increasing the trunk temperature. Constriction is also used when the ambience temperature is much lower than that of the rabbit'due south cadre body temperature. When the ears are constricted it again limits blood menstruum through the ears to conserve the optimal trunk temperature of the rabbit. If the ambience temperature is either 15 degrees above or below the optimal body temperature, the blood vessels will dilate. With the claret vessels being enlarged, the blood is able to laissez passer through the large surface area, causing information technology to either estrus or cool down.

During hot summers, the rabbit has the adequacy to stretch its pinnae, which allows for greater surface area and increase heat dissipation. In cold winters, the rabbit does the reverse and folds its ears in lodge to decrease its surface area to the ambient air, which would decrease their body temperature.

Ventral view of dissected rabbit lungs with primal structures labeled.

The jackrabbit has the largest ears within the Oryctolagus cuniculus group. Their ears contribute to 17% of their total body area. Their large pinna were evolved to maintain homeostasis while in the extreme temperatures of the desert.

Respiratory organization

The rabbit'due south nasal cavity lies dorsal to the oral cavity, and the two compartments are separated by the hard and soft palate.[28] The nasal cavity itself is separated into a left and right side by a cartilage bulwark, and information technology is covered in fine hairs that trap dust earlier it can enter the respiratory tract.[28] [29] [ page needed ] As the rabbit breathes, air flows in through the nostrils along the alar folds. From at that place, the air moves into the nasal cavity, also known every bit the nasopharynx, downward through the trachea, through the larynx, and into the lungs.[29] [ page needed ] [30] The larynx functions as the rabbit's voice box, which enables it to produce a wide variety of sounds.[29] [ folio needed ] The trachea is a long tube embedded with cartilaginous rings that forbid the tube from collapsing as air moves in and out of the lungs. The trachea and so splits into a left and right bronchus, which meet the lungs at a structure called the hilum. From at that place, the bronchi split up into progressively more narrow and numerous branches. The bronchi co-operative into bronchioles, into respiratory bronchioles, and ultimately end at the alveolar ducts. The branching that is typically found in rabbit lungs is a clear example of monopodial branching, in which smaller branches divide out laterally from a larger central branch.[31]

The construction of the rabbit'south nasal and oral cavities, necessitates animate through the nose. This is due to the fact that the epiglottis is fixed to the backmost portion of the soft palate.[thirty] Within the oral crenel, a layer of tissue sits over the opening of the glottis, which blocks airflow from the oral cavity to the trachea.[28] The epiglottis functions to forestall the rabbit from aspirating on its food. Farther, the presence of a soft and hard palate allow the rabbit to breathe through its olfactory organ while it feeds.[29] [ folio needed ]

Monopodial branching equally seen in dissected rabbit lungs.

Rabbits lungs are divided into four lobes: the cranial, heart, caudal, and accessory lobes. The right lung is made up of all iv lobes, while the left lung only has two: the cranial and caudal lobes.[31] In guild to provide space for the middle, the left cranial lobe of the lungs is significantly smaller than that of the right.[28] The diaphragm is a muscular construction that lies caudal to the lungs and contracts to facilitate respiration.[28] [30]


Rabbits are herbivores that feed by grazing on grass and other leafy plants. In event, their diet contains large amounts of cellulose, which is difficult to digest. Rabbits solve this problem via a form of hindgut fermentation. They pass ii distinct types of feces: difficult droppings and soft black gluey pellets, the latter of which are known as caecotrophs or "night droppings" [32] and are immediately eaten (a behaviour known as coprophagy). Rabbits reingest their own droppings (rather than chewing the cud every bit do cows and numerous other herbivores) to digest their food farther and excerpt sufficient nutrients.[33]

Rabbits graze heavily and rapidly for roughly the first half-60 minutes of a grazing period (ordinarily in the late afternoon), followed past about one-half an hour of more selective feeding.[ citation needed ] In this time, the rabbit will as well excrete many hard fecal pellets, being waste pellets that volition non be reingested.[ commendation needed ] If the environment is relatively not-threatening, the rabbit will remain outdoors for many hours, grazing at intervals.[ citation needed ] While out of the burrow, the rabbit will occasionally reingest its soft, partially digested pellets; this is rarely observed, since the pellets are reingested as they are produced.[ citation needed ]

Video of a wild European rabbit with ears twitching and a jump

Hard pellets are made upward of hay-like fragments of plant cuticle and stem, being the final waste matter product after redigestion of soft pellets. These are only released exterior the burrow and are not reingested. Soft pellets are commonly produced several hours after grazing, afterwards the hard pellets have all been excreted.[ commendation needed ] They are made upward of micro-organisms and undigested plant jail cell walls.[ commendation needed ]

Rabbits are hindgut digesters. This means that most of their digestion takes place in their large intestine and cecum. In rabbits, the cecum is most ten times bigger than the breadbasket and it along with the big intestine makes upwardly roughly xl% of the rabbit's digestive tract.[34] The unique musculature of the cecum allows the intestinal tract of the rabbit to separate gristly material from more digestible material; the fibrous material is passed as feces, while the more than nutritious material is encased in a mucous lining equally a cecotrope. Cecotropes, sometimes called "night carrion", are loftier in minerals, vitamins and proteins that are necessary to the rabbit's health. Rabbits swallow these to run into their nutritional requirements; the mucous coating allows the nutrients to pass through the acidic stomach for digestion in the intestines. This process allows rabbits to excerpt the necessary nutrients from their food.[35]

The chewed constitute material collects in the big cecum, a secondary chamber betwixt the large and minor intestine containing big quantities of symbiotic bacteria that help with the digestion of cellulose and also produce certain B vitamins. The pellets are about 56% leaner by dry weight, largely bookkeeping for the pellets beingness 24.4% protein on average. The soft feces form here and contain up to five times the vitamins of hard feces. Afterward being excreted, they are eaten whole by the rabbit and redigested in a special office of the tum. The pellets remain intact for up to six hours in the stomach; the bacteria within go along to digest the plant carbohydrates. This double-digestion process enables rabbits to employ nutrients that they may take missed during the commencement passage through the gut, too as the nutrients formed by the microbial activity and thus ensures that maximum nutrition is derived from the nutrient they swallow.[11] This process serves the same purpose in the rabbit as rumination does in cattle and sheep.[36]

Dissected image of the male rabbit reproductive organisation with primal structures labeled.

Because rabbits cannot vomit,[37] if buildup occurs inside the intestines (due often to a diet with insufficient fibre),[38] abdominal blockage can occur.[39]


Diagram of the male rabbit reproductive system with main components labeled.

The adult male person reproductive system forms the same every bit most mammals with the seminiferous tubular compartment containing the Sertoli cells and an adluminal compartment that contains the Leydig cells.[40] The Leydig cells produce testosterone, which maintains libido[40] and creates secondary sex characteristics such as the genital tubercle and penis. The Sertoli cells triggers the production of Anti-Müllerian duct hormone, which absorbs the Müllerian duct. In an adult male rabbit, the sheath of the penis is cylinder-similar and tin can be extruded as early as two months of historic period.[41] The scrotal sacs lay lateral to the penis and contain epididymal fat pads which protect the testes. Between 10 and 14 weeks, the testes descend and are able to retract into the pelvic cavity in order to thermoregulate.[41] Furthermore, the secondary sex characteristics, such as the testes, are circuitous and secrete many compounds. These compounds includes fructose, citric acid, minerals, and a uniquely high corporeality of catalase.[40]

Diagram of the female rabbit reproductive organization with master components labeled.

The adult female reproductive tract is bipartite, which prevents an embryo from translocating betwixt uteri.[42] The two uterine horns communicate to 2 cervixes and forms 1 vaginal culvert. Along with existence bipartite, the female rabbit does not go through an estrus cycle, which causes mating induced ovulation.[41]

The boilerplate female person rabbit becomes sexually mature at three to viii months of age and can conceive at any time of the yr for the duration of her life. Egg and sperm production can begin to decline subsequently three years.[40] During mating, the male person rabbit will mountain the female rabbit from behind and insert his penis into the female and make rapid pelvic hip thrusts. The run across lasts only twenty–twoscore seconds and after, the male will throw himself backwards off the female.[43]

The rabbit gestation menses is brusk and ranges from 28 to 36 days with an average period of 31 days. A longer gestation period will generally yield a smaller litter while shorter gestation periods volition give nativity to a larger litter. The size of a unmarried litter can range from four to 12 kits allowing a female to deliver upwards to 60 new kits a twelvemonth. After birth, the female person tin can become pregnant once more as early equally the next day.[41]

The bloodshed rates of embryos are high in rabbits and can exist due to infection, trauma, poor nutrition and environmental stress so a high fertility rate is necessary to counter this.[41]


Rabbits may appear to be crepuscular, but their natural inclination is toward nocturnal activity.[44] In 2011, the average sleep time of a rabbit in captivity was calculated at 8.4 hours per mean solar day.[45] As with other prey animals, rabbits often sleep with their eyes open, so that sudden movements will awaken the rabbit to respond to potential danger.[46]

Diseases and immunity

In addition to beingness at risk of disease from common pathogens such equally Bordetella bronchiseptica and Escherichia coli, rabbits can contract the virulent, species-specific viruses RHD ("rabbit hemorrhagic disease", a form of calicivirus)[47] or myxomatosis. Among the parasites that infect rabbits are tapeworms (such as Taenia serialis), external parasites (including fleas and mites), coccidia species, and Toxoplasma gondii.[48] [49] Domesticated rabbits with a nutrition lacking in loftier cobweb sources, such every bit hay and grass, are susceptible to potentially lethal gastrointestinal stasis.[50] Rabbits and hares are nearly never found to be infected with rabies and have not been known to transmit rabies to humans.[51]

Encephalitozoon cuniculi, an obligate intracellular parasite is as well capable of infecting many mammals including rabbits.

Rabbit immunity has significantly diverged from other tetrapods in the manner it employs immunoglobulin light chains.[52] [53] [54] [55] [56] One time McCartney-Francis et al., 1984 discover a unique additional disulfide bond between Cys 80 in Vκ and Cys 171 in Cκ.[52] [53] [54] [55] [56] They suggest that this may serve to stabilise rabbit antibodies.[52] [53] [54] [55] [56] Meanwhile IGKC1 shows high amino acid divergence betwixt domesticated types and ferals derived from them.[53] This can be as high as 40%.[53]


Rabbit kits one hour after nativity

Rabbits are casualty animals and are therefore constantly aware of their environment. For instance, in Mediterranean Europe, rabbits are the main prey of red foxes, badgers, and Iberian lynxes.[57] If confronted by a potential threat, a rabbit may freeze and observe and so warn others in the warren with powerful thumps on the ground. Rabbits have a remarkably wide field of vision, and a good deal of information technology is devoted to overhead scanning.[58] The doe (mother) is enlightened that she gives off scent which tin attract predators, then she will stay away from the nest to avert putting the kits (babies) in danger, returning the nest merely a few times a 24-hour interval to feed the kits.[59]

Rabbits survive predation past burrowing, hopping away in a zig-zag motion, and, if captured, delivering powerful kicks with their hind legs. Their strong teeth permit them to eat and to bite in lodge to escape a struggle.[60] The longest-lived rabbit on record, a domesticated European rabbit living in Tasmania, died at age 18.[61] The lifespan of wild rabbits is much shorter; the average longevity of an eastern cottontail, for instance, is less than 1 year.[62]

Habitat and range

Rabbit habitats include meadows, woods, forests, grasslands, deserts and wetlands.[63] Rabbits alive in groups, and the best known species, the European rabbit, lives in burrows, or rabbit holes. A group of burrows is called a warren.[63]

More than half the globe's rabbit population resides in North America.[63] They are also native to southwestern Europe, Southeast Asia, Sumatra, some islands of Nippon, and in parts of Africa and Southward America. They are not naturally institute in most of Eurasia, where a number of species of hares are nowadays. Rabbits first entered South America relatively recently, as part of the Great American Interchange. Much of the continent has just one species of rabbit, the tapeti, while most of South America's southern cone is without rabbits.

The European rabbit has been introduced to many places around the world.[11]

Domestic rabbit photographed at Alligator Bay, Beauvoir, France.

Rabbits accept been launched into space orbit.[64]

Environmental problems

Impact of rabbit-proof debate, Cobar, New South Wales, 1905

Rabbits have been a source of environmental problems when introduced into the wild by humans. As a result of their appetites, and the rate at which they breed, feral rabbit depredation can be problematic for agriculture. Gassing (fumigation of warrens),[65] barriers (fences), shooting, snaring, and ferreting have been used to command rabbit populations, but the most effective measures are diseases such as myxomatosis (myxo or mixi, colloquially) and calicivirus. In Europe, where rabbits are farmed on a big scale, they are protected against myxomatosis and calicivirus with a genetically modified virus. The virus was developed in Kingdom of spain, and is beneficial to rabbit farmers. If it were to make its way into wild populations in areas such as Australia, it could create a population blast, as those diseases are the near serious threats to rabbit survival. Rabbits in Australia and New Zealand are considered to be such a pest that land owners are legally obliged to control them.[66] [67]

Every bit food and clothing

Saint Jerome in the Desert
[Note rabbit beingness chased by a domesticated hound]
Taddeo Crivelli (Italian, died about 1479)

Rabbit being prepared in the kitchen
Simulation of daily life, mid-15th century
Hospices de Beaune, France

In some areas, wild rabbits and hares are hunted for their meat, a lean source of high quality poly peptide.[68] In the wild, such hunting is achieved with the assistance of trained falcons, ferrets, or dogs, as well as with snares or other traps, and rifles. A caught rabbit may be dispatched with a sharp blow to the back of its head, a practice from which the term rabbit dial is derived.

Wild leporids contain a small portion of global rabbit-meat consumption. Domesticated descendants of the European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) that are bred and kept as livestock (a exercise chosen cuniculture) account for the estimated 200 million tons of rabbit meat produced annually.[69] Approximately 1.ii billion rabbits are slaughtered each twelvemonth for meat worldwide.[70] In 1994, the countries with the highest consumption per capita of rabbit meat were Malta with 8.89 kg (19 lb x oz), Italy with 5.71 kg (12 lb 9 oz), and Cyprus with 4.37 kg (ix lb x oz), falling to 0.03 kg (1 oz) in Japan. The effigy for the Us was 0.14 kg (v oz) per capita. The largest producers of rabbit meat in 1994 were China, Russian federation, Italy, France, and Espana.[71] Rabbit meat was once a common article in Sydney, Australia, but declined afterward the myxomatosis virus was intentionally introduced to control the exploding population of feral rabbits in the area.

In the United kingdom of great britain and northern ireland, fresh rabbit is sold in butcher shops and markets, and some supermarkets sell frozen rabbit meat. At farmers markets there, including the famous Borough Market in London, rabbit carcasses are sometimes displayed hanging, unbutchered (in the traditional manner), next to braces of pheasant or other small game. Rabbit meat is a feature of Moroccan cuisine, where it is cooked in a tajine with "raisins and grilled almonds added a few minutes before serving".[72] In China, rabbit meat is especially popular in Sichuan cuisine, with its stewed rabbit, spicy diced rabbit, BBQ-way rabbit, and even spicy rabbit heads, which have been compared to spicy duck neck.[69] Rabbit meat is insufficiently unpopular elsewhere in the Asia-Pacific.

An extremely rare infection associated with rabbits-as-food is tularemia (besides known as rabbit fever), which may be contracted from an infected rabbit.[73] Hunters are at higher risk for tularemia considering of the potential for inhaling the leaner during the skinning process.

In addition to their meat, rabbits are used for their wool, fur, and pelts, likewise as their nitrogen-rich manure and their high-protein milk.[74] Production industries have adult domesticated rabbit breeds (such as the well-known Angora rabbit) to efficiently fill these needs.

In art, literature, and civilisation

Rabbits are often used as a symbol of fertility or rebirth, and accept long been associated with spring and Easter as the Easter Bunny. The species' function every bit a casualty beast with few defenses evokes vulnerability and innocence, and in sociology and modern children'south stories, rabbits often appear as sympathetic characters, able to connect hands with youth of all kinds (for example, the Velveteen Rabbit, or Thumper in Bambi).

With its reputation every bit a prolific breeder, the rabbit juxtaposes sexuality with innocence, as in the Playboy Bunny. The rabbit (as a swift prey fauna) is also known for its speed, agility, and endurance, symbolized (for example) by the marketing icons the Energizer Bunny and the Duracell Bunny.


The rabbit oftentimes appears in sociology as the trickster archetype, every bit he uses his cunning to outwit his enemies.

"Rabbit fools Elephant by showing the reflection of the moon".
Illustration (from 1354) of the Panchatantra

  • In Aztec mythology, a pantheon of four hundred rabbit gods known as Centzon Totochtin, led by Ometochtli or Two Rabbit, represented fertility, parties, and drunkenness.
  • In Key Africa, the common hare (Kalulu), is "inevitably described" as a trickster figure.[75]
  • In Chinese folklore, rabbits accompany Chang'east on the Moon. In the Chinese New year's day, the zodiacal rabbit is ane of the twelve angelic animals in the Chinese zodiac. Notation that the Vietnamese zodiac includes a zodiacal cat in place of the rabbit, maybe because rabbits did not inhabit Vietnam.[ citation needed ] The about common explanation is that the aboriginal Vietnamese discussion for "rabbit" (mao) sounds similar the Chinese word for "cat" (卯, mao).[76]
  • In Japanese tradition, rabbits live on the Moon where they brand mochi, the popular snack of mashed sticky rice. This comes from interpreting the design of nighttime patches on the moon as a rabbit standing on tiptoes on the left pounding on an usu, a Japanese mortar.
  • In Jewish folklore, rabbits (shfanim שפנים) are associated with cowardice, a usage still current in gimmicky Israeli spoken Hebrew (similar to the English language colloquial use of "chicken" to denote cowardice).
  • In Korean mythology, as in Japanese, rabbits live on the moon making rice cakes ("Tteok" in Korean).
  • In Anishinaabe traditional behavior, held past the Ojibwe and some other Native American peoples, Nanabozho, or Great Rabbit, is an important deity related to the cosmos of the world.
  • A Vietnamese mythological story portrays the rabbit of innocence and youthfulness. The Gods of the myth are shown to be hunting and killing rabbits to show off their power.
  • Buddhism, Christianity, and Judaism take associations with an ancient circular motif called the three rabbits (or "three hares"). Its meaning ranges from "peace and tranquility", to purity or the Holy Trinity, to Kabbalistic levels of the soul or to the Jewish diaspora. The tripartite symbol also appears in heraldry and even tattoos.

The rabbit as trickster is a part of American popular culture, as Br'er Rabbit (from African-American folktales and, after, Disney animation) and Bugs Bunny (the cartoon grapheme from Warner Bros.), for example.

Anthropomorphized rabbits have appeared in film and literature, in Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (the White Rabbit and the March Hare characters), in Watership Down (including the film and idiot box adaptations), in Rabbit Hill (by Robert Lawson), and in the Peter Rabbit stories (past Beatrix Potter). In the 1920s, Oswald the Lucky Rabbit, was a pop cartoon character.

WWII USAF airplane pilot D. R. Emerson
"flys with a rabbit's pes talisman,
a gift from a New York girl friend"

A rabbit'south human foot may be carried as an amulet, believed to bring protection and good luck. This belief is found in many parts of the world, with the earliest apply being recorded in Europe c. 600 BC.[77]

On the Isle of Portland in Dorset, Uk, the rabbit is said to be unlucky and even speaking the creature's name can cause upset among older island residents. This is thought to appointment back to early on times in the local quarrying industry where (to save space) extracted stones that were not fit for auction were set bated in what became alpine, unstable walls. The local rabbits' tendency to burrow at that place would weaken the walls and their plummet resulted in injuries or even decease. Thus, invoking the proper name of the culprit became an unlucky deed to exist avoided. In the local civilization to this 24-hour interval, the rabbit (when he has to be referred to) may instead exist called a "long ears" or "hole-and-corner mutton", and then equally not to adventure bringing a downfall upon oneself. While it was true l years ago[ when? ] that a pub on the island could be emptied by calling out the word "rabbit", this has get more fable than fact in modern times.[ citation needed ]

In other parts of Britain and in North America, invoking the rabbit'due south name may instead bring good luck. "Rabbit rabbit rabbit" is ane variant of an apotropaic or talismanic superstition that involves saying or repeating the word "rabbit" (or "rabbits" or "white rabbits" or some combination thereof) out loud upon waking on the offset day of each month, because doing so will ensure good fortune for the duration of that month.

The "rabbit exam" is a term, first used in 1949, for the Friedman test, an early diagnostic tool for detecting a pregnancy in humans. It is a mutual misconception (or perhaps an urban fable) that the test-rabbit would die if the woman was pregnant. This led to the phrase "the rabbit died" becoming a euphemism for a positive pregnancy test.

See likewise

  • Animal track
  • Cuniculture
  • Dwarf rabbit
  • Hare games
  • Jackalope
  • List of brute names
  • List of rabbit breeds
  • Lop rabbit
  • Rabbits in the arts
  • Rabbit prove jumping



  1. ^ This genus is considered a hare, not a rabbit


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Farther reading

  • Windling, Terri. The Symbolism of Rabbits and Hares [Usurped!]

External links

  • American Rabbit Breeders Association organization, which promotes all phases of rabbit keeping
  • Firm Rabbit Lodge an activist organization that promotes keeping rabbits indoors


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