
Forums Coronado Solarmax 2 Double Stack Which Blocking Filter Do I Need?


Thread info

 Re: Stowaway front end threads

 Oct.28,2019   #78742

Dew Shield Ring – 4.388"- 24 ten 0.xx" long female thread

male thread - iv.374" x 24


George Whitney


I guess once you lot decide on a filter size,

 you volition have to have Precise Parts (?) make an adapter for

 Coronado filter to Stowaway Dew shield.

Other options


Question on Coronado Etalon Blocking filters

BF5 is 5mm diameter

BF15 is 15mm diameter

BF30 is 30mm diameter

Would these diameters exist considered Field-Stops like to Daystar Quark'south 21mm?


Would these diameters be considered Field-Stops similar to Daystar Quark'southward 21mm?

They would, but even the 5mm will nigh pass the full disc of the sun at F6.65. The 15mm for sure.


-----Original Message-----
From: jimmyjujames <jimmy_an@...>
To: main <>
Sent: Sat, Nov 2, 2019 4:58 pm
Subject area: [ap-ug] Coronado Etalon on Stowaway

Thread info

 Re: Stowaway front threads

 Oct.28,2019   #78742

Dew Shield Ring – iv.388"- 24 10 0.20" long female thread

male thread - 4.374" x 24


George Whitney


I approximate one time you decide on a filter size,

 yous will have to have Precise Parts (?) make an adapter for

 Coronado filter to Stowaway Dew shield.

Other options


Question on Coronado Etalon Blocking filters

BF5 is 5mm bore

BF15 is 15mm diameter

BF30 is 30mm diameter

Would these diameters exist considered Field-Stops similar to Daystar Quark'south 21mm?



Thanks George, Roland and Alan

I'k thinking Coronado 90mm now considering George and Alan have recommended Coronado.

I presently have a


10'' f/4.5 Newtonian

Mark V Binocular Viewer from Baader Planetarium

Glasspath 1.7x

2 PanOptic-19mm eyepieces

Alan said he needed a Glasspath 2.6x on his f/5 Stowaway to achieve focus.

Not certain about my Glasspath ane.7x on a f/half-dozen.65 Stowaway

Roland said the BF15 Blocking Filter would allow viewing full disc of the lord's day at f/6.65

Not sure if that's with a single eyepiece or as well Binoviewer.

George, What did y'all hateful when you said

"with a large-enough blocking filter appropriate for a Binoviewer."

Hoping the BF15 will as well be okay with Binoviewer

I plan on putting any extra money into my Mach2 fund earlier I get a 2d refractor.

I'm 72 retired and on a fixed income.  A 2nd refractor volition be 2 or more years down the road.

Thank you for everyone's comments.


The gravity field at the ISS is yet about 90% of what it is here on Globe.

The ISS is moving 5 miles per second tangent to it'south orbit and moving away from the Earth.

Gravity is pushing the ISS towards the center of the World an equal amount resulting

in a continuous free autumn orbit around the Earth.

If the ISS slows downward it will return to Earth and burn up in the atmosphere. (5000 degrees)

If the ISS speeds upwards, it will move to a college orbit and at nearly viii miles per 2d

will reach escape velocity and no longer in orbit around the Earth.

I think the BF15 should exist fine. When y'all use a binoviewer, even if yous use some kind of Barlow or Glasspath, you will likely push button the blocking filter up into the calorie-free cone towards the objective (compared to where it would accept been cyclops), which will require a wider blocking filter. A couple of recent CN threads covered the calculations. The question was 12mm versus 18mm considering it was a Lunt, and the math pointed to the 18mm for binoviewing. But 15mm on the Coronado should be fine. Even if y'all very slightly vignette the edge, you won't notice. I used a 15mm blocking filter in my binoviewed Pronto (70mm f/6.8 with 60mm Coronado front end-mounted filter) for many years with great views.

I am guessing that the i.7x Glasspath volition work for yous, just that is just a guess. Specially if you can discover a way to mount it earlier the blocking filter assuming that doesn't induce an aberration (at least you don't have to worry about chromatic aberration). But of course if using the 1.7x forces you to push the blocking filter likewise far up toward the objective, then you might be ameliorate off with the ii.6x. Could as well instead just employ your 2x Barlow earlier the blocking filter and see how that works.

By the fashion, my comments about the Barlow don't agree for the Coronado. Use whatever Barlow you similar on that considering it is after the H-alpha etalon (which is in front of the objective on the Coronado). You demand a telecentric (or else a collimator) when it precedes the etalon, equally in a Quark.



This is getting very expensive to keep it 2'' (BF30) and not driblet downward to 1.25 (BF15)

SolarMax Two 90mm Solar Filter set with RichView tuning arrangement and 30mm Blocking Filter


Am I understanding this correctly.  Will the second actress stack be an additional $2399?

For a total of $6398


Thread info

 Re: Stowaway front threads

 October.28,2019   #78742

Dew Shield Ring – 4.388"- 24 ten 0.20" long female person thread

male thread - 4.374" x 24


George Whitney


I checked on an adapter for the Coronado SolarMax 90 solar filter To Stowaway dewshield

Select Coronada on left

Select Astro-Physics on right

Click Adjacent

Select Coronado SolarMax xc solar filter on left side

Select A-P Stowaway dewshield on right side

length 0 for shortest length


They changed 0 to 0.536 inches

Click the rotating adapter to see the 3D view and movement 3D paradigm effectually with mouse

3D view shows adapter threads are both on the inside of adapter.

 Female threads on both sides of adapter

The SolarMax 90 is the smaller bore on left side.

$207.00 plus shipping


I'm a happy camper living on the exterior of our Spaceship Earth.

Moving through the vacuum of space around the Dominicus at 66,000 miles per hour (18 miles per 2d).

Alan Friedman

Have a look at the connectedness of your binoviewer to the BF15. The BF30 is a straight through 2" connection allowing you to employ the prism diagonal and glass path compensators. The other BFs utilize a defended 1.25 diagonal and only 1.25 accessories. Over again, my experience is with older generation products, but I find the 2" BF30 to exist a more robust and flexible (without flextime!) organization.


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On Nov 3, 2019, at 6:50 AM, jimmyjujames <jimmy_an@...> wrote:

[Edited Message Follows]

SolarMax Two 90mm Solar Filter set with RichView tuning system and 15mm Blocking Filter



Thread info

 Re: Stowaway forepart threads

 Oct.28,2019   #78742

Dew Shield Band – 4.388"- 24 10 0.20" long female person thread

male person thread - 4.374" x 24


George Whitney


I checked on an adapter for the Coronado SolarMax xc solar filter To Stowaway dewshield

Select Coronada on left

Select Astro-Physics on right

Click Next

Select Coronado SolarMax xc solar filter on left side

Select A-P Stowaway dewshield on right side

length 0 for shortest length


They changed 0 to 0.536 inches

Click the rotating adapter to see the 3D view and motility 3D imqge around with mouse

3D view shows adapter threads are both on the inside of adapter.

 Female threads on both sides of adapter

The SolarMax xc is the smaller diameter on left side.

$207.00 plus aircraft


I'k a happy camper living on the outside of our Spaceship Earth.

Moving through the vacuum of space effectually the Sunday at 66,000 miles per hour (18 miles per second).



Thanks for the two'' (BF30) info
This is getting very expensive
I edited my last bulletin and updated it to the BF30


Alan Friedman

Yes. And an boosted five pounds or so on the front end of the telescope. I would recommend that you spend some fourth dimension with a single filter before going this road to lower the band pass. The double stack adds cost, weight, darkens the view, dims the prominences while adding an increase in contrast to the chromospheric features and making a prissy wow factor at star parties for those taking a quick look through your set-up. Those details will be there in your single etalon likewise, but will take your brain a one-half infinitesimal or so longer to adapt from the bright and contrasty daytime mural to the low contrast vista of the solar atmosphere. The binoviewer will help greatly to run across these features. For imaging, information technology makes little difference as there are numerous places in capture and processing to adjust contrast.

The Lunt double stacked scopes add the second filter down the lite path yielding lower cost and amend weight distribution.

Best to beginning slowly and embellish every bit your experience and requirements guide you.

Just my .02

toggle quoted messageProve quoted text

On Nov three, 2019, at seven:31 AM, jimmyjujames <jimmy_an@...> wrote:

[Edited Message Follows]

SolarMax II 90mm Solar Filter gear up with RichView tuning system and 15mm Blocking Filter


Am I agreement this correctly.  Will the 2nd actress stack will be an additional $2399?


Thread info

 Re: Stowaway front threads

 Oct.28,2019   #78742

Dew Shield Ring – four.388"- 24 x 0.20" long female thread

male thread - 4.374" ten 24


George Whitney


I checked on an adapter for the Coronado SolarMax 90 solar filter To Stowaway dewshield

Select Coronada on left

Select Astro-Physics on right

Click Side by side

Select Coronado SolarMax xc solar filter on left side

Select A-P Stowaway dewshield on correct side

length 0 for shortest length


They changed 0 to 0.536 inches

Click the rotating adapter to see the 3D view and movement 3D imqge effectually with mouse

3D view shows adapter threads are both on the inside of adapter.

 Female threads on both sides of adapter

The SolarMax 90 is the smaller bore on left side.

$207.00 plus shipping


I'm a happy camper living on the outside of our Spaceship World.

Moving through the vacuum of infinite effectually the Sun at 66,000 miles per hr (18 miles per 2nd).

Alan Friedman

For illustration purposes, 2 pictures recorded on the aforementioned day, using my F5 Stowaway and 90mm Coronado solarmax filter at two focal lengths... with 2x Powermate at approximately 900mm FL and with Baader FFC and extension tube, approximately 1700 mm FL. In that location is some paradigm processing at work here, 😉 but hopefully these will give y'all some idea of the resolution potential of 90mm discontinuity on a day of good seeing.

toggle quoted messageEvidence quoted text

On Nov iii, 2019, at 7:52 AM, Alan Friedman <alan@...> wrote:

Yes. And an boosted 5 pounds or and so on the front end of the telescope. I would recommend that you spend some time with a unmarried filter before going this route to lower the band laissez passer. The double stack adds price, weight, darkens the view, dims the prominences while calculation an increment in contrast to the chromospheric features and making a nice wow factor at star parties for those taking a quick wait through your set up-up. Those details will be there in your single etalon as well, but volition accept your brain a one-half infinitesimal or so longer to adapt from the bright and contrasty daytime landscape to the low dissimilarity vista of the solar atmosphere. The binoviewer will help greatly to meet these features. For imaging, information technology makes niggling difference as there are numerous places in capture and processing to adjust contrast.

The Lunt double stacked scopes add the second filter down the light path yielding lower cost and better weight distribution.

Best to start slowly and embellish every bit your experience and requirements guide you.

But my .02


On Nov 3, 2019, at 7:31 AM, jimmyjujames <jimmy_an@...> wrote:

[Edited Message Follows]

SolarMax Ii 90mm Solar Filter set with RichView tuning system and 15mm Blocking Filter


Am I understanding this correctly.  Volition the 2nd extra stack will be an additional $2399?


Thread info

 Re: Stowaway front threads

 Oct.28,2019   #78742

Dew Shield Ring – 4.388"- 24 ten 0.20" long female thread

male thread - 4.374" x 24


George Whitney


I checked on an adapter for the Coronado SolarMax xc solar filter To Stowaway dewshield

Select Coronada on left

Select Astro-Physics on right

Click Side by side

Select Coronado SolarMax 90 solar filter on left side

Select A-P Stowaway dewshield on right side

length 0 for shortest length


They changed 0 to 0.536 inches

Click the rotating adapter to see the 3D view and move 3D imqge around with mouse

3D view shows adapter threads are both on the inside of adapter.

 Female threads on both sides of adapter

The SolarMax 90 is the smaller bore on left side.

$207.00 plus shipping


I'k a happy camper living on the exterior of our Spaceship Earth.

Moving through the vacuum of infinite around the Sun at 66,000 miles per 60 minutes (18 miles per second).

toggle quoted messageBear witness quoted text

On Nov 3, 2019, at 10:09 AM, Alan Friedman <alan@...> wrote:

For illustration purposes, two pictures recorded on the same twenty-four hour period, using my F5 Stowaway and 90mm Coronado solarmax filter at two focal lengths... with 2x Powermate at approximately 900mm FL and with Baader FFC and extension tube, approximately 1700 mm FL. In that location is some epitome processing at work hither, 😉 just hopefully these will give you lot some idea of the resolution potential of 90mm aperture on a day of good seeing.


On Nov iii, 2019, at 7:52 AM, Alan Friedman <alan@...> wrote:

Yes. And an additional five pounds or so on the front end of the telescope. I would recommend that you spend some time with a single filter before going this road to lower the ring pass. The double stack adds toll, weight, darkens the view, dims the prominences while adding an increase in contrast to the chromospheric features and making a nice wow factor at star parties for those taking a quick look through your fix-upwards. Those details will be at that place in your single etalon too, only volition take your encephalon a half minute or and so longer to adapt from the vivid and contrasty daytime landscape to the depression contrast vista of the solar atmosphere. The binoviewer volition assistance profoundly to see these features. For imaging, information technology makes lilliputian difference as there are numerous places in capture and processing to adjust dissimilarity.

The Lunt double stacked scopes add the second filter down the light path yielding lower price and better weight distribution.

Best to start slowly and embellish as your feel and requirements guide you.

Simply my .02


On Nov iii, 2019, at 7:31 AM, jimmyjujames <jimmy_an@...> wrote:

[Edited Bulletin Follows]

SolarMax Ii 90mm Solar Filter set with RichView tuning organisation and 15mm Blocking Filter


Am I understanding this correctly.  Will the 2nd actress stack will exist an additional $2399?


Thread info

 Re: Stowaway front threads

 Oct.28,2019   #78742

Dew Shield Ring – 4.388"- 24 x 0.20" long female thread

male thread - 4.374" x 24


George Whitney


I checked on an adapter for the Coronado SolarMax 90 solar filter To Stowaway dewshield

Select Coronada on left

Select Astro-Physics on right

Click NEXT

Select Coronado SolarMax 90 solar filter on left side

Select A-P Stowaway dewshield on right side

length 0 for shortest length


They changed 0 to 0.536 inches

Click the rotating adapter to meet the 3D view and motion 3D imqge around with mouse

3D view shows adapter threads are both on the inside of adapter.

 Female person threads on both sides of adapter

The SolarMax 90 is the smaller diameter on left side.

$207.00 plus aircraft


I'k a happy camper living on the outside of our Spaceship Earth.

Moving through the vacuum of space effectually the Sun at 66,000 miles per hour (18 miles per 2d).


The WOW gene does not diminish with time.



Never get tired of seeing these shots Alan!

toggle quoted messageBear witness quoted text

On Sun, iii Nov 2019 at x:09, Alan Friedman <alan@...> wrote:

For analogy purposes, two pictures recorded on the same twenty-four hours, using my F5 Stowaway and 90mm Coronado solarmax filter at ii focal lengths... with 2x Powermate at approximately 900mm FL and with Baader FFC and extension tube, approximately 1700 mm FL. In that location is some paradigm processing at piece of work here, 😉 but hopefully these will give yous some idea of the resolution potential of 90mm aperture on a solar day of skilful seeing.


On Nov 3, 2019, at seven:52 AM, Alan Friedman <alan@...> wrote:

Yes. And an additional five pounds or then on the forepart end of the telescope. I would recommend that you spend some fourth dimension with a single filter earlier going this route to lower the ring pass. The double stack adds toll, weight, darkens the view, dims the prominences while adding an increase in dissimilarity to the chromospheric features and making a nice wow factor at star parties for those taking a quick look through your fix-up. Those details will be there in your single etalon too, but volition take your encephalon a half infinitesimal or so longer to adapt from the bright and contrasty daytime landscape to the low contrast vista of the solar temper. The binoviewer will help greatly to run into these features. For imaging, it makes picayune deviation every bit in that location are numerous places in capture and processing to adjust contrast.

The Lunt double stacked scopes add the second filter down the light path yielding lower toll and meliorate weight distribution.

Best to start slowly and embellish as your experience and requirements guide yous.

Just my .02


On Nov 3, 2019, at 7:31 AM, jimmyjujames <jimmy_an@...> wrote:

[Edited Message Follows]

SolarMax 2 90mm Solar Filter set with RichView tuning system and 15mm Blocking Filter


Am I understanding this correctly.  Will the second actress stack volition be an additional $2399?


Thread info

 Re: Stowaway front end threads

 Oct.28,2019   #78742

Dew Shield Ring – 4.388"- 24 10 0.20" long female thread

male thread - four.374" x 24


George Whitney


I checked on an adapter for the Coronado SolarMax 90 solar filter To Stowaway dewshield

Select Coronada on left

Select Astro-Physics on right

Click NEXT

Select Coronado SolarMax 90 solar filter on left side

Select A-P Stowaway dewshield on right side

length 0 for shortest length


They changed 0 to 0.536 inches

Click the rotating adapter to see the 3D view and move 3D imqge effectually with mouse

3D view shows adapter threads are both on the inside of adapter.

 Female threads on both sides of adapter

The SolarMax 90 is the smaller diameter on left side.

$207.00 plus aircraft


I'm a happy camper living on the outside of our Spaceship Earth.

Moving through the vacuum of space around the Sun at 66,000 miles per hour (18 miles per second).

That is a superb set of images

Blows my socks off

I'm looking for something different to do: satellites or solar

Deep heaven is getting kind of boring

toggle quoted messageShow quoted text

On Nov 3, 2019, at 7:09 AM, Alan Friedman <alan@...> wrote:

For analogy purposes, two pictures recorded on the same mean solar day, using my F5 Stowaway and 90mm Coronado solarmax filter at two focal lengths... with 2x Powermate at approximately 900mm FL and with Baader FFC and extension tube, approximately 1700 mm FL. There is some image processing at piece of work hither, 😉 but hopefully these will give you lot some thought of the resolution potential of 90mm aperture on a twenty-four hours of adept seeing.


On November 3, 2019, at 7:52 AM, Alan Friedman <alan@...> wrote:

Yes. And an additional 5 pounds or and then on the forepart end of the telescope. I would recommend that you spend some fourth dimension with a single filter before going this route to lower the band pass. The double stack adds cost, weight, darkens the view, dims the prominences while adding an increment in contrast to the chromospheric features and making a nice wow factor at star parties for those taking a quick look through your prepare-up. Those details will be there in your single etalon too, but will have your brain a one-half minute or so longer to suit from the vivid and contrasty daytime landscape to the depression contrast vista of the solar temper. The binoviewer will help profoundly to run across these features. For imaging, it makes little departure equally there are numerous places in capture and processing to adapt contrast.

The Lunt double stacked scopes add the second filter downwardly the calorie-free path yielding lower cost and meliorate weight distribution.

Best to get-go slowly and embellish as your feel and requirements guide you.

But my .02


On November iii, 2019, at 7:31 AM, jimmyjujames <jimmy_an@...> wrote:

[Edited Bulletin Follows]

SolarMax Ii 90mm Solar Filter set with RichView tuning arrangement and 15mm Blocking Filter


Am I understanding this correctly.  Will the 2d actress stack will be an additional $2399?


Thread info

 Re: Stowaway front threads

 October.28,2019   #78742

Dew Shield Ring – iv.388"- 24 x 0.20" long female thread

male person thread - four.374" 10 24


George Whitney


I checked on an adapter for the Coronado SolarMax 90 solar filter To Stowaway dewshield

Select Coronada on left

Select Astro-Physics on right

Click Next

Select Coronado SolarMax 90 solar filter on left side

Select A-P Stowaway dewshield on right side

length 0 for shortest length


They changed 0 to 0.536 inches

Click the rotating adapter to encounter the 3D view and motility 3D imqge around with mouse

3D view shows adapter threads are both on the inside of adapter.

 Female threads on both sides of adapter

The SolarMax xc is the smaller diameter on left side.

$207.00 plus shipping


I'm a happy camper living on the exterior of our Spaceship Earth.

Moving through the vacuum of space around the Dominicus at 66,000 miles per hour (18 miles per second).

I have a 60mm double stacked (sometimes triple stacked) on a Tak FS-60Q.  Here some recommendations.

FIRST - The blocking filters from Meade are dim and historically decumbent to rust over time.  I'd bandy the ITF for one from Meier Photonics as soon as I bought it.  That ITF passes nearly 2X the light and will profoundly brighten the image.

SECOND - Avoid the 30mm blocking filter because of FIRST above.

3rd - I worry virtually the brightness of double stacking the Solarmax II etalons because you lot're pushing the light through 2 ERF's.  As well, tuning both etalons could get fiddly.  If the Solarmax Three avoids this (merely ane front mounted ERF and 2nd is tilt melody merely) I'd buy a whole scope (Solarmax III 90 bf15) and store/toss/sell the refractor office.  You lot and then only need to buy ONE adapter to mate it to the front of the Stowaway.

My scope for reference.  I've been hunting USA made etalons at 90mm for a while, simply they're becoming "hens teeth".

My $0.02 priced for value.

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On Nov 3, 2019, at seven:48 AM, jimmyjujames <jimmy_an@...> wrote:

[Edited Message Follows]

This is getting very expensive to go along it 2'' (BF30) and not drib down to 1.25 (BF15)

SolarMax II 90mm Solar Filter set with RichView tuning arrangement and 30mm Blocking Filter


Am I understanding this correctly.  Will the second extra stack exist an additional $2399?

For a total of $6398


Thread info

 Re: Stowaway front threads

 October.28,2019   #78742

Dew Shield Ring – 4.388"- 24 x 0.20" long female person thread

male thread - 4.374" ten 24


George Whitney


I checked on an adapter for the Coronado SolarMax 90 solar filter To Stowaway dewshield

Select Coronada on left

Select Astro-Physics on right

Click NEXT

Select Coronado SolarMax 90 solar filter on left side

Select A-P Stowaway dewshield on right side

length 0 for shortest length


They changed 0 to 0.536 inches

Click the rotating adapter to see the 3D view and move 3D imqge around with mouse

3D view shows adapter threads are both on the within of adapter.

 Female threads on both sides of adapter

The SolarMax ninety is the smaller diameter on left side.

$207.00 plus shipping


I'm a happy camper living on the outside of our Spaceship Globe.

Moving through the vacuum of space around the Sun at 66,000 miles per hour (18 miles per 2d).

Alan Friedman

Cheers guys. Hoping to share some useful thoughts on solar gear with A-P telescopes but I realize my experience is with older stuff only available on the vintage market. I accept been fortunate with my Coronado etalon and blocking filter. It is very vivid (some might notice it too bright), exceptionally evenly illuminated and undecayed. No rust or other optical or mechanical issues to date.

George, could you share the method one would apply to connect the Baader BV to a BF15 diagonal? I'g unclear on how that would piece of work.

All-time wishes,

toggle quoted messageProve quoted text

On November 3, 2019, at ten:59 AM, Richard Well-baked <rdcrisp@...> wrote:

That is a superb set of images

Blows my socks off

I'm looking for something different to do: satellites or solar

Deep sky is getting kind of boring

This may be information technology!

"Corrected" by my iPhone

On Nov 3, 2019, at 7:09 AM, Alan Friedman <alan@...> wrote:

http://world wide

For illustration purposes, two pictures recorded on the aforementioned day, using my F5 Stowaway and 90mm Coronado solarmax filter at two focal lengths... with 2x Powermate at approximately 900mm FL and with Baader FFC and extension tube, approximately 1700 mm FL. There is some image processing at work here, 😉 simply hopefully these volition requite you some idea of the resolution potential of 90mm aperture on a day of good seeing.


On Nov 3, 2019, at 7:52 AM, Alan Friedman <alan@...> wrote:

Yep. And an additional v pounds or so on the forepart end of the telescope. I would recommend that you spend some fourth dimension with a single filter earlier going this route to lower the ring pass. The double stack adds cost, weight, darkens the view, dims the prominences while adding an increase in contrast to the chromospheric features and making a squeamish wow cistron at star parties for those taking a quick wait through your set-upwards. Those details will be at that place in your single etalon besides, but will take your brain a half minute or so longer to adapt from the vivid and contrasty daytime landscape to the low contrast vista of the solar temper. The binoviewer will help greatly to see these features. For imaging, it makes little difference as there are numerous places in capture and processing to adjust contrast.

The Lunt double stacked scopes add the second filter downward the calorie-free path yielding lower cost and better weight distribution.

Best to start slowly and embellish as your feel and requirements guide you.

Just my .02


On November 3, 2019, at 7:31 AM, jimmyjujames <jimmy_an@...> wrote:

[Edited Message Follows]

SolarMax II 90mm Solar Filter set with RichView tuning system and 15mm Blocking Filter


Am I agreement this correctly.  Will the 2nd actress stack will exist an boosted $2399?


Thread info

 Re: Stowaway front threads

 October.28,2019   #78742

Dew Shield Band – 4.388"- 24 10 0.20" long female thread

male thread - four.374" x 24


George Whitney


I checked on an adapter for the Coronado SolarMax ninety solar filter To Stowaway dewshield

Select Coronada on left

Select Astro-Physics on right

Click Adjacent

Select Coronado SolarMax 90 solar filter on left side

Select A-P Stowaway dewshield on right side

length 0 for shortest length


They changed 0 to 0.536 inches

Click the rotating adapter to see the 3D view and move 3D imqge around with mouse

3D view shows adapter threads are both on the inside of adapter.

 Female threads on both sides of adapter

The SolarMax xc is the smaller bore on left side.

$207.00 plus shipping


I'one thousand a happy camper living on the exterior of our Spaceship Globe.

Moving through the vacuum of space effectually the Lord's day at 66,000 miles per 60 minutes (18 miles per second).


I Beloved your images!

Clear Skies,

Marj Christen

Astro-Physics, Inc

11250 Wood Hills Rd

Machesney Park, IL 61115

Telephone: 815-282-1513

Fax: 815-282-9847

toggle quoted bulletinShow quoted text

From: [] On Behalf Of Alan Friedman
Sent: Lord's day, November 03, 2019 9:10 AM
Subject: Re: [ap-ug] Coronado Etalon on Stowaway

http://world wide

For illustration purposes, two pictures recorded on the aforementioned day, using my F5 Stowaway and 90mm Coronado solarmax filter at two focal lengths... with 2x Powermate at approximately 900mm FL and with Baader FFC and extension tube, approximately 1700 mm FL. At that place is some prototype processing at work here, 😉 but hopefully these will give you some idea of the resolution potential of 90mm aperture on a day of expert seeing.


On Nov three, 2019, at 7:52 AM, Alan Friedman <alan@...> wrote:

Yep. And an additional five pounds or and then on the front cease of the telescope. I would recommend that you spend some time with a single filter before going this route to lower the ring pass. The double stack adds cost, weight, darkens the view, dims the prominences while calculation an increase in contrast to the chromospheric features and making a nice wow factor at star parties for those taking a quick look through your set-upwardly. Those details volition exist there in your single etalon too, but will accept your encephalon a half minute or then longer to adapt from the brilliant and contrasty daytime mural to the depression contrast vista of the solar atmosphere. The binoviewer volition help greatly to see these features. For imaging, it makes picayune difference every bit there are numerous places in capture and processing to arrange contrast.

The Lunt double stacked scopes add the second filter downwards the light path yielding lower cost and amend weight distribution.

Best to start slowly and embellish every bit your experience and requirements guide y'all.

Just my .02


On Nov 3, 2019, at 7:31 AM, jimmyjujames <jimmy_an@...> wrote:

[Edited Message Follows]

SolarMax Ii 90mm Solar Filter set with RichView tuning arrangement and 15mm Blocking Filter


Am I understanding this correctly.  Will the 2nd extra stack will be an additional $2399?


Thread info

 Re: Stowaway front threads

 Oct.28,2019   #78742

Dew Shield Ring – 4.388"- 24 x 0.twenty" long female thread

male person thread - 4.374" x 24


George Whitney


I checked on an adapter for the Coronado SolarMax 90 solar filter To Stowaway dewshield

Select Coronada on left

Select Astro-Physics on right

Click Adjacent

Select Coronado SolarMax 90 solar filter on left side

Select A-P Stowaway dewshield on right side

length 0 for shortest length


They inverse 0 to 0.536 inches

Click the rotating adapter to see the 3D view and movement 3D imqge effectually with mouse

3D view shows adapter threads are both on the inside of adapter.

 Female person threads on both sides of adapter

The SolarMax 90 is the smaller diameter on left side.

$207.00 plus shipping


I'm a happy camper living on the outside of our Spaceship Earth.

Moving through the vacuum of space effectually the Sun at 66,000 miles per 60 minutes (18 miles per second).

You bring the sunday to life!

Clear Skies,

Marj Christen

Astro-Physics, Inc

11250 Forest Hills Rd

Machesney Park, IL 61115

Phone: 815-282-1513

Fax: 815-282-9847

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From: [] On Behalf Of Marj Christen
Sent: Sun, November 03, 2019 1:01 PM
Subject: Re: [ap-ug] Coronado Etalon on Stowaway


I Dearest your images!

Clear Skies,

Marj Christen

Astro-Physics, Inc

11250 Forest Hills Rd

Machesney Park, IL 61115

Phone: 815-282-1513

Fax: 815-282-9847

From: [] On Behalf Of Alan Friedman
Sent: Dominicus, Nov 03, 2019 9:10 AM
Subject: Re: [ap-ug] Coronado Etalon on Stowaway

For illustration purposes, two pictures recorded on the same day, using my F5 Stowaway and 90mm Coronado solarmax filter at two focal lengths... with 2x Powermate at approximately 900mm FL and with Baader FFC and extension tube, approximately 1700 mm FL. There is some image processing at work here, 😉 but hopefully these will give y'all some idea of the resolution potential of 90mm discontinuity on a solar day of skillful seeing.


On November 3, 2019, at vii:52 AM, Alan Friedman <alan@...> wrote:

Yes. And an additional v pounds or so on the front cease of the telescope. I would recommend that you lot spend some fourth dimension with a unmarried filter before going this road to lower the band laissez passer. The double stack adds toll, weight, darkens the view, dims the prominences while adding an increase in contrast to the chromospheric features and making a nice wow factor at star parties for those taking a quick look through your fix-up. Those details will be in that location in your unmarried etalon too, but volition take your brain a one-half infinitesimal or and then longer to adapt from the bright and contrasty daytime landscape to the low dissimilarity vista of the solar temper. The binoviewer will help greatly to see these features. For imaging, it makes footling departure as there are numerous places in capture and processing to accommodate dissimilarity.

The Lunt double stacked scopes add the second filter downward the light path yielding lower cost and ameliorate weight distribution.

Best to start slowly and embellish every bit your experience and requirements guide y'all.

But my .02


On Nov 3, 2019, at 7:31 AM, jimmyjujames <jimmy_an@...> wrote:

[Edited Bulletin Follows]

SolarMax II 90mm Solar Filter ready with RichView tuning system and 15mm Blocking Filter


Am I understanding this correctly.  Will the second actress stack will exist an additional $2399?


Thread info

 Re: Stowaway front threads

 October.28,2019   #78742

Dew Shield Ring – 4.388"- 24 x 0.xx" long female thread

male thread - 4.374" ten 24


George Whitney


I checked on an adapter for the Coronado SolarMax ninety solar filter To Stowaway dewshield

Select Coronada on left

Select Astro-Physics on right

Click NEXT

Select Coronado SolarMax 90 solar filter on left side

Select A-P Stowaway dewshield on right side

length 0 for shortest length


They changed 0 to 0.536 inches

Click the rotating adapter to see the 3D view and motility 3D imqge effectually with mouse

3D view shows adapter threads are both on the inside of adapter.

 Female threads on both sides of adapter

The SolarMax 90 is the smaller diameter on left side.

$207.00 plus aircraft


I'm a happy camper living on the outside of our Spaceship Earth.

Moving through the vacuum of space around the Sunday at 66,000 miles per hr (eighteen miles per second).

No bucks... no "Cadet Rogers"


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On November 3, 2019, at 2:05 PM, jimmyjujames <jimmy_an@...> wrote:

[Edited Message Follows]

This is getting very expensive to continue it ii'' (BF30) and not driblet down to 1.25 (BF15)

SolarMax II 90mm Solar Filter set up with RichView tuning organisation and 30mm Blocking Filter


Am I agreement this correctly.  Volition the 2nd actress stack be an additional $2399?

For a total of $6398


Thread info

 Re: Stowaway front threads

 Oct.28,2019   #78742

Dew Shield Ring – 4.388"- 24 x 0.20" long female thread

male thread - 4.374" x 24


George Whitney


I checked on an adapter for the Coronado SolarMax 90 solar filter To Stowaway dewshield

Select Coronada on left

Select Astro-Physics on right

Click Next

Select Coronado SolarMax 90 solar filter on left side

Select A-P Stowaway dewshield on right side

length 0 for shortest length


They inverse 0 to 0.536 inches

Click the rotating adapter to come across the 3D view and move 3D epitome effectually with mouse

3D view shows adapter threads are both on the within of adapter.

 Female person threads on both sides of adapter

The SolarMax 90 is the smaller bore on left side.

$207.00 plus aircraft


I'm a happy camper living on the outside of our Spaceship World.

Moving through the vacuum of infinite around the Sun at 66,000 miles per 60 minutes (18 miles per 2nd).

A few things.

1. First delight realize that anybody is trying to assist as much equally possible but H-alpha viewing is very choosy. In that location are many expert choices and essentially all of them can work and they can all go wrong. I unfortunate truth is that the variation amongst units of the same model is huge. So a good Quark is ameliorate than a bad Coronado and a good Coronado is meliorate than a bad Quark.

2. I concur strongly with Alan to commencement with single stack and so go to double stack. So if yous hate it, you tin can sell the single stack for less of a loss. I bought a single stack 60mm dorsum when they cost $2650 and when the cost of living was half of today. I later got my friend to buy his own 60mm, and we traded dorsum and forth double stacking (we got lucky considering our tilts complemented each other, but that'south another story).

3. To prepare expectations: Double stacking a 90mm with a binoviewer, you should be able to come across everything in Alan's wonderful paradigm. It won't exist quite as dramatic as the image, but it will exist at that place. Y'all will see even more because you volition be able to get to college power. With a single stack, the prominences and spicules off the edge of the Lord's day volition be just as good or better. The disk will be more done out. When seeing is good, you volition be able to find the aforementioned details, but they won't be every bit obvious. And if seeing is bad, they will likely fade into the groundwork.

four. I took my Stowaway out today with my Quark and binoviewer. In a Lunt calcium K-line filter with a camera (because I cannot see deep blueish whatsoever more), I saw three active regions. Yesterday in my Lunt LS80 double stack, I saw two active regions very obvious with bright and dark areas. In the Quark H-alpha (and this Quark happens to be pretty narrow) on the Stowaway, I could observe one of the regions. It was there, but not dramatic; I knew what to look for. I did non get a chance to find the other one or 2 considering the clouds were sweeping and destroyed the seeing. The pocket-size prominences and spicules looked swell in the Quark while seeing held up. (For reference, the GONG Internet H-alpha image showed two active regions.) I call back my Lunt LS80 DSII feel volition exist like the double stack and the Quark volition be similar the unmarried stack.

5. However, as Ron points out, double stacking robs brightness, and that hurts prominences and can somewhat hurt the disk (to exist clear, going narrower can fifty-fifty help prominences if nothing else by dimming the vivid deejay, but the extra ERF is just wasting calorie-free). Coronado ended up sending me a brighter blocking filter to better the double stack view; they don't do that nowadays. And later I concluded up removing the ERF from one of the 60mm filters, which farther brightened it. For my Lunt LS80 DSII I similarly establish a solution to brighten it. The good news is that double stacking Coronados even with ii ERFs is not catastrophic considering you tin eliminate the reflections by tilting instead of having to add withal some other filter. I would hope that Coronado would use a lighter ERF on their double stack-only filters, merely I don't know if they do either way. Bottom line on this one is that there is a learning curve and tweaking.

6. Alan, I currently use a Denk II binoviewer, then I simply use its i.25" nosepiece and the ane.25" adapter of my Lunt B1800 and surrender the 25mm of back focus. I accept a Denk OCS 2.3x multiplier in front end of the B1800 blocking filter (using a T2-to-48mm adapter), and so I can afford the extra 25mm of back focus. My Lunt B1800 blocking filter has a T2 thread on the eyepiece side, so I could easily attach a Mark 5 binoviewer. I am not sure what Coronado is doing thread-wise today. My twenty-year-old Coronado Prom15T blocking filter does non seem to take been fabricated to come apart, so I was forced to use the 1.25" nosepiece.

7. Then then how to adhere the multiplier to extend the dorsum focus: (1) Could you put your AP Barlow into the scope, and then the BF15 diagonal, then the Mark V with a i.25" nosepiece without a Glasspath. Would need to check that the 15mm is not vignetting subsequently the Barlow. And this could induce a smaller sweet spot than necessary. (ii) Put the BF15 straight into the scope, then the Marking Five with a Glasspath and a 1.25" nosepiece (if that is possible). Could endeavor both the high and medium power Glasspaths. This way you are not multiplying before the 15mm aperture finish. I used to come to focus with my double stack 60mm Coronado to Pronto to Prom15T (like a BF15) to a 1.25" Denk 2x OCS to a 1.25" nosepiece to the Denk II BV. So my former set up is like to this option #2. Once more some trial and error here. The most experience with this detail issue volition exist on the CN Solar Observing and Imaging forum.


Forums Coronado Solarmax 2 Double Stack Which Blocking Filter Do I Need?,


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